Home China UnionPay and Intel join forces for Secure Mobile Payment

China UnionPay and Intel join forces for Secure Mobile Payment

At IDF’s second-day keynote in Beijing today, Intel announced its collaboration with bank card giant China UnionPay for secure mobile payment, with the latter utilizing Intel’s Identity Protection Technology and also its distribution of the Hadoop software framework for datacenters. With UnionPay being China’s top bank card organization boasting a total of 3.5 billion cards to date, this is obviously a big deal for Intel both locally and around the world — at least in the 141 countries and regions where UnionPay is accepted, according to Executive Vice President Chai Hongfeng.
Chai also used his stage time to show off UnionPay Quick Pass, China’s very own NFC payment service with over 1.1 million local POS terminals as of December 2012. The exec used none other than Intel’s developer device to buy its Corporate Vice President Doug Fisher a can of “Mountain Doug” (we would’ve preferred “Chai Tea” instead), but of course, HTC beat Intel to it with the joint launch of mobile Quick Pass back in August 2011. Anyhow, there’s a press release after the break.
This Article Appeared on Engadget

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