It feels like this week’s cartoon should commemorate Steve Jobs.
But in truth, I drew my tribute to him just after he retired from his job as CEO. I shared my thoughts about his legacy a few days ago on my own blog. And by now, there’s very little to say about Jobs that hasn’t been said many times over, here and on other sites.
So rather than restating all of that, I’ll pay a tribute today that actually feels more meaningful than any other.
This cartoon stands on its own; it doesn’t have anything to do with Steve Jobs or Apple. But I drew it on my iPad, and i’m writing this there, too. In a few minutes, I’ll lay the cartoon out and create a thumbnail version on my MacBook Pro, where I’ll also add hyperlinks and send the whole lot off to Curtis at ReadWriteWeb.
Creating and sharing something using the products Steve Jobs introduced to the world: yeah, that feels about right.
See more Noise to Signal cartoons here.