I’ve blogged about it yesterday: There’s now a small script available which (when run in the background) will make sure that the icon of the calendar app will always show the current day-of-month. It’s really trivial – you need developer mode enabled, and if you have changed your root password, you have to add it to the script (or simply modify it so that you can run it as root once, then you can do the “sed” call directly). Works on both the N9 and N950.
Script: calenderr.sh
#!/bin/sh # Harmattan "Show Today's Date in Calendar App icon" Hack # by Thomas Perl <thp.io/about> # Usage: nohup sh calenderr.sh >/dev/null & CALENDAR_DESKTOP=/usr/share/applications/calendar.desktop SUBSTITUTE=s@^Icon=.*@Icon=icon-l-calendar-`date +%d`@ while : ; do echo rootme | devel-su -c "sed -i -e $SUBSTITUTE $CALENDAR_DESKTOP" SECONDS_TILL_MIDNIGHT=$((60*60*24 - `date +%-H`*60*60 - `date +%-M`*60 - `date +%-S`)) sleep $SECONDS_TILL_MIDNIGHT done
Source MeeGo