Home [BLING] Swarovski and Samsung bring you the New Samsung Gear S Strap

[BLING] Swarovski and Samsung bring you the New Samsung Gear S Strap

For all you “Bling” lovers, you will be happy to hear that Samsung and Swarovski have teamed up together to announce the exclusive Samsung Gear S Strap, which is a strap that is carpeted with Swarovski cut crystals, adding to its “Swarovski for Samsung” collection with the Tizen Samsung Gear S.
This interesting blend of “tech meets Swarovski crystal” is obviously aimed towards women, and to be fair, there is nothing currently on the market to challenge this exact combination.

“One of the key aspects in wearable devices is providing diverse options for consumers to freely express their own taste and style,” said Younghee Lee, Executive Vice President of Global Marketing, IT & Mobile Division at Samsung. “Our ongoing collaboration with Swarovski as demonstrated in the new Gear S Strap, allows us to stay ahead of trends and on the cutting-edge of design and style.”

The product used by Swarovski is a new Crystal Fine Mesh, that also just launched in September 2014. The crystals are embedded directly into the Strap’s metal mesh, which is apparently a first.

“Samsung and Swarovski share a commitment to bringing high-quality, highly desirable products to the consumer market,” said Christoph Kargruber, Executive Vice President Global Marketing, Swarovski Professional. “Together we will continue to write the success story we began with the ‘Swarovski for Samsung’ collection.”

We expect the Swarovski Gear S Strap to be available in October, and available online and in Samsung experience stores.

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