What does your blog have in common with CNN, the Wall St. Journal and the White House? You probably publish your updates to Twitter using Twitterfeed, just like those organizations do. Starting today if you publish on Blogger, Typepad or another publishing system that offers PubSubHubbub feeds Twitterfeed will subscribe and push your new posts to Twitter in a matter of moments.
That’s not the only change going live, either. Publishing to Facebook? Check. An improved queue management system for greater reliability? Check. Integration with Google Analytics? Check!
Earlier this afternoon Twitterfeed launched a new version of the service used by nearly 350,000 publishers. We caught up with the company at today’s ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit and got the low-down on the changes rolling out to all users over the next few days.
Twitterfeed believes it will now be the biggest subscriber to PubSubHubbub feeds and aims to test the system’s latency performance. No more 20 to 30 minute delays in publishing to Twitter if you’re on a Pubsubhubbub-enabled publishing system.
Publishing to Facebook will be a huge win for many of those publishers and integration with both Bit.ly and Google Analytics through the integration of UTM tags will allow publishers to compare audience response in Facebook and Twitter (among other things).
Real-time, cross-network publishing and analytics as a service? That’s pretty hot. With almost 350,000 publishers, Twitterfeed is approaching the number of publishers that FeedBurner had (430,000) when it was acquired by Google for a rumored $100 million. Like FeedBurner for the real-time web? That and more is what Twitterfeed could become if these kinds of technical developements could succeed.