What makes surviving in a survival game easier? Knowing where everything is that’s what and in a game such as Pax Dei is extra important as some of the resources you need can be quite difficult to find.
That’s where a good, solid map comes in handy, and with games like this it is never long before the internet comes to gamers’ rescue and provides a resource that can just take some of the grind out of your new favorite game.
Dedicated teams of mappers spend hundreds of hours sometimes pointlessly mapping every twig when all you need is to know where that one particular chest is, but if you can’t find something that you need, you can generally rest assured somebody out there has found it and mapped it.
Pax Dei Interactive Map
Pax Dei is a bit grindy and you will need to find a lot of resources early on and a map can really help. Now the game has only just entered early access so a lot of the main mapping sites are not on board yet, and they are probably second-guessing where the traffic so they will be busy with Shadow of the Erdtree but there are still a couple of useful options out there for those of us needing some directions.
This is a site we hadn’t come across before but has nice mapping and database functionality for a few games and has just added Pax Dei to the mix.
The map functions as you might expect and there is an awful lot on there – too much in some ways and the categories are not the most helpful with everything being bundled into groups such as Blacksmithing or All Gatherables. Still, it is early days yet and a huge amount of effort has clearly been put into this one.
Gaming With DaOpa
Another small site comes to the rescue with a Pax Dei map that has a lot fewer markers on it and currently features mainly buildings and points of interest. New markers are being added all the time as the mappers are clearly mapping as they play. Worth keeping an eye on.
We will add new maps to this page as the main mapping sites get involved.