Home ARTIK wants you in the comfort zone, over the clouds

ARTIK wants you in the comfort zone, over the clouds

When you think about development boards they’re all about enabling creators to invent new, amazing stuff. But who are these creators? According to the Hackster Maker Survey 2016, 45.05% of hardware creators are startups. And when you look at startups, those who are more prone to actually build such new, amazing stuff, few platforms can tell to support them as SAMSUNG ARTIK does.
According to ‘Unlocking the potential of Internet of Things’ report by McKinsey, IoT is going to offer a potential economic impact of 4 to 11 trillion of dollars a year in 2025. Pretty good, uh? And you always hear, I guess, that IoT + Big Data is the treasure trove of these days. But it’s not. Comes out that today ‘most IoT data are not used. For example, on an oil rig that has 30,000 sensors, only 1 percent of the data are examined.’ In other words, IoT data is mostly an unserved market, ripe for disruption from incumbents as well as fast-moving startups that enter the space.
It’s the treasure trove of a pretty near future.
If you just connect these dots, you will easily depict an opportunity in the intersection between producing development boards for startups and serving those startups with much more than some tutorials and a sparse documentation: something like an all-in-one solution that, eventually, will get those startups to kindly hand you their data in your super cool Cloud solution.
The same way Google gives you free services in exchange of your data.
It’s basically a Board-as-a-Service strategy, that combines a high-end, high-support, maker board with top class services such as a dedicated, agnostic, IP-friendly cloud platform and full guidance by none other than SAMSUNG.
ARTIK Cloud has been developed exactly with startups in mind. With an open, end-to-end solution, ARTIK Cloud is the only service that put their users in the comfort zone, granting encrypted access to historical data from various sources and any device, in real-time, with simple open APIs and IP protection.
And what’s the productive outcome unlocked by developing in the comfort zone? A faster time-to-market.
As reported by the Hackster Maker Survey 2016, ARTIK Cloud covers 0.57% market share in the Maker Movement, coming after players such as Amazon (17.81%, with AWS for IoT and Amazon Alexa), IFTTT (19.85%), Microsoft Azure for IoT (13.09%), Google (7.87%).
But if you consider the time ARTIK has been around, that’s not a bad result. ARTIK 0 and 7 are only recent addition to the family – translated: the company is still at the first step on the ‘board first, modules second’ process.


Overall, SAMSUNG ARTIK has focused on build a large, maker-friendly eco-system also thanks to partnerships with key players in the space, such as Arduino, Ubuntu and resin.io

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