As part of the Forum “Tizen for the Internet of Things” held on September 22 in Moscow, Samsung Electronics has presented a new family of maker boards and modules named ARTIK, in addition to the infrastructure of the operating system Tizen 3.0.
Samsung ARTIK’s value proposition, as declared by Samsung, is to reinvent the prototyping process by leveraging world-class data security granted by the company as well as a wide array of tools, both hardware and software, such as the ARTIK Modules and Cloud, formerly known as SmartThings Open Cloud.
Speaking of the hardware, ARTIK is very good, featuring Quad core Cortex A15 with a 1.5GHz clock, Quad Core Cortex A7 at 1.3 GHz.
And f you’re a startup concerned with intellectual property, ARTIK got you covered, with Hardware Embedded Security Element (eSE) + TLS (DTLS), ARTIK device authentication APIs of eSE, Get signature, Get certificate, Get Random number – not to mention the Trustonic Trusted Execution Environment (for customer with NDA and agreement).
But the ace in the hole of ARTIK is first-hand support and guidance from Samsung, and the reliability of a first-rate cloud environment like the one provided by the South Korean company.
In terms of cloud and, overall, security, the ARTIK platform has a lot to offer and still it doesn’t back down in flexibility – on the contrary.
Given its connection with SmartThings, also owned by Samsung, and the fact that SmartThings Open Cloud was meant to serve interoperability between medical devices at first, the platform is designed to handle out-of-the-box communication between the largest variety of IoT modules and boards on the market and yet to be released. Also, it supports more protocols than the average Raspberry Pi clone, especially those protocols that are more and more relevant in this space – we’re talking about Z-wave and ZigBee – and all of this while ensuring user-friendly, open API and built-in security.
Translated, the core of ARTIK’s proposal is providing a faster time to market than competitive solutions.
Given all these perks, seems pretty clear that ARTIK is walking down a different path than competitors. While boards like Pine 64 are powerful, zero-support boards, Samsung wants to deliver not only a cutting-edge device but overall, an optimal prototyping experience.
It’s trying to make startuppers out of makers, targeting the crowd of DIY-addicted creators with a high-end one-size-fits-all highway to new products. It’s rapid prototyping embedded in silicon: it’s support made board.
It is Board-as-a-Service.
And since it natively supports Tizen, ARTIK is a Trojan Horse for Tizen to breach the Android stronghold.
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