Here the full guide for enabling AIM / ICQ / Yahoo / MSN / QIP / Vkontakte chats and integrating it with the Accounts services on Nokia N9.
Ok, installation should be now as easy as installing these three .deb files in a row.
I’ve mirrored all of the necessary files for convenience to here:
Direct links:
(You don’t need to use sqlite3 or mc-tool anymore!)
- Click on the packages in order 1-3 to download them
- Use the Transfers view that pop-ups and single click to install (Yes, it works now
- Install packages in order from 1 to 3. Otherwise installation will fail.
Upgrading from a previous version
- Download file number #3
- Use filemanager or transfer-view on your phone to find the .deb file
- click on the file, it will be upgraded automatically
If you wish to deinstall these later, simply go to
Programs -> Manage Programs -> im-providers-additional and select Deinstall.
Note: This will not remove your accounts, they will simply not show up anymore, if you install the package later again, they will reappear.
Note2: If you experience any icon corruption in Accounts view, please restart
Affiliated thread by billranton here: (thanks again!)
Battery usage seems fine so far. A lot better than using pidgin on N900.
Update1: Alternative add method used, which leaves account disabled when adding. Thanks billranton and rexii23
Update2: Now using the packaged .deb for easy installation and setup. AOL Messenger seems not to work for now.
Update3: Mirrored installation instructions to front page: .. not pretty…will do a stylesheet soon.
Incorporated changelog.
Changed topic title
Update4: Thanks @coderus for Vkontakte & QIP providers
Please restart after applying, or ignore the missing icons
Update5: Repackaged .deb files. Now you can install them all by simply clicking on them.
0.4 - Vkontakte and QIP added 0.3 - working AIM
Source Maemo.Org