wazapp v0.2.5 has been released. Check out the changelog and see if it tickles your fancy. Get it from http://www.wazapp.im
- sendPing doesn’t fire if offline now
- Fixed registration for people getting Login Failed or Account expired. Re-register is required for them after update.
- Fixed possible segmentation fault when reconnecting (as so closing of wazapp sometimes while running in background)
- Connecting to internet is now automatic if there are networks configured for auto connect, even in PSM. Otherwise the connection dialog will popup on every ping.
- Now correctly handling login thread crash if connection lost during login process (resulting in forever connecting)
- Emoji in contacts statuses
- Enhanced conversations window, that deals with scroll issue (thanks to CepiPerez)
- New indicator icons
- Bigger Emoji (Thanks to @knobtviker and CepiPerez)
Source WazApp