Home Application: Voxer Announced for Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch

Application: Voxer Announced for Samsung Gear S2 Smartwatch

Voxer have announced the release of their voice messaging app for the Samsung Gear S2 smartwatch and boast true “Dick Tracy 2-Way Wrist-Radio functionality to a smartwatch for the first time …”

“Voxer lets users move well beyond text messaging to truly impart clear, direct communication with their personality to friends, family members and work colleagues, conveniently”

Using the Gear S2 app, users can simply select the contact you want to chat to and press a virtual button that allows them to speak in Walkie-Talkie mode, Dick Tracy eat your heart out !!! On the receiving side you get a notification and can either listen to the message on the watch ( Gear S2 3G version) or use a bluetooth headset / handsfree unit of some description.
The company does state that the app is available to download now, but I haven’t been able to find it. Possibly they mean it has been submitted to the Tizen Store or it might not be available in the UK yet? Well, once it is available we will let you know how it is.

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