This Article was Originally Posted at Talk Maemo:
I’ve been waiting for long for LPSMagic 2.0 with plugin system and there seems to be very less news on that. So tired of waiting, I’ve rewritten my old LockScreenQuotes app from the groud up with a modular structure. I have been struggling with packaging this for the past one week to no avail. So now, I am releasing this app with a simple installation script.
Now onto the app
What is USbS?
The app is named USbS (Useful Standby Screen). It can display the output of any script placed in /home/user/USbS/Scripts/ on the LowPower Screen (when the device is sleeping). It works somewhat like a single widget of QBW on the n900 (albeit not as advanced!).
1. The device must be in developer mode.
2. Operator logo must be enabled (follow this post)
1. Unzip the attached file to your N9.
2. Open terminal and cd to wherever you’ve unzipped the file (eg: cd /home/user/MyDocs/usbs)
3. Enter in terminal:
4. Enter root password when prompted
Out of the box, I’ve included 4 scripts-,, and (the first 3 were written for this app, while the last was taken directly from a script I made fr Queen Beecon Widget on my N900 during the cricket world cup)
For configuration, a new menu item will be available under Settings>Applications>USbS. This is where the behaviour of the app can be controlled.
The following are sample values that can be used in the settings panel
Plugin Name: Color Name: white Time Interval: any one Random File Name: Scripts/tagline.txt Location: any one, eg London
You can change these values as required.
You can run the app by typing into the terminal. Right now, I’ve made it not run on boot or run silently. This is so that bugs can be caught and identified. This means that the terminal must not be closed while running the app. (However, if required, it can be run silently by entering “ &”)
- Image Rendering
- Running Multiple Scripts at once, one below the other.
- More flexible refresh timing options
If you’ve created a script to show some info on the screen with this app, please post it here for others also.
Do let me know what you think.
Source Maemo.Org