SimpleIRC is an IRC client that I’ve been working on for over a year now. It first started as a mediocre Java client, which I ported to Qt early this year and published to the Nokia Store for Symbian^3 devices. Now, it’s on the N9!
Porting it to the N9 wasn’t easy though, considering that I had to redo the UI logic using QML, since the Qt C++ widgets don’t have the native platform look and feel in MeeGo Harmattan. However, it’s done and I’m quite happy with the result, except for one missing feature which is the inability to launch links from the chat area. You’ll also notice that the Settings and Servers screen doesn’t make use of Qt Quick Components since that interface was built while the components were still being developed.
I’m making it available to download for free from
If you like the software and would like to pay for it, it will be available on the Store for the N9 at the 1EUR/$0.80 price point once it passes QA. If you’d like to support by purchasing the Symbian^3 version instead, that’s available from Ovi Store. Changelog can be found Here.
Bugs and feature requests can be submitted to
Source Maemo.Org