Home Application – Fluid Calendar for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan

Application – Fluid Calendar for Nokia N9 – MeeGo Harmattan


This Article is from Nokia Independent:
If you are a busy person and constantly need to organise yourself and keep your schedule up to date, this might just be the app you have been waiting for.
AI:KA (version 1.0.4) has been developed by the same clever guys who brought the unique and very fluid Twitter client, “Different Tact” to the Nokia N9.  This is the third app that Fluidinteraction has developed for the N9 and I hope they continue their great work.
AI:KA offers a really nice user interface for all your N9 calendars; PC Sync, Personal and Birthdays.  It allows you to swipe or skip through dates, calendar weeks, months and years to find, create and edit calendar entries in the N9′s stock application.
Here is a quick slide show of the app’s interface and user options:


Further information

AI:KA  – You can download AI:KA from the Nokia Store here.  It is priced at £1GBP
Different Tact – Nokia Store – Free app
Further reading on other Calendar related apps can be found in our earlier article here.
Source Nokia Independent

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