Announcong the technical preview of the MeeGo port of Trojitá, a fast and lightweight IMAP e-mail client.
Sources are available in the QML branch at gitorious (run qmake with CONFIG+=trojita_harmattan). There’s also a prebuilt .deb file of Trojitá to be installed on any N9/N950 phone (Ovi store submission pending on QA).
This is a technical preview of the application, so some funcitonality (most notably actually reading messages or proper integration with Harmattan’s network session management) is missing. It should however be absolutely safe to use; it won’t really eat any of your mail.
Suggestions are welcome either at the [email protected] mailing list (moderated, subscription not required), at #trojita IRC channel on freenode, in this thread, as merge requests on gitorious or bug reports at the task tracker.
Many thanks to Nokia for letting me use the N950 from their community device program for development. A big thank you goes to all people who have contributed any code to Trojitá (Benson Tsai, John Rogelstad, Andrew Brouwers, Gil Moskowitz, Jiří Helebrant, Jun Yang, Justin J, and Tomáš Kouba), and to anyone who has reported bugs or otherwise contributed to this project.
Source MeeGo