Home Android 4.0.4 ICS for Nokia N9. Alpha release #2 "Sleepless Nights"

Android 4.0.4 ICS for Nokia N9. Alpha release #2 "Sleepless Nights"

The Newest version of NITDroid Alpha release #2 is now available. Here is all the Info:
– based on Android Open-Source Project (AOSP) v 4.0.4_r1.1 (IMM76D)
multiple languages supported
dualboot kernel (without reflashing), ability to choose OS after power on.
N950 supported (see http://forum.nitdroid.com/index.php?topic=134.0)
– 3D drivers, OpenGL
– hwrotation (portrait mode only, accelerometer HAL doesn’t work)
– touchscreen (multitouch)
– hw buttons (volume, power)
– ECI accessory (headset buttons)
– USB networking
– lcd off in sleep mode, electron beam effect (demo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFMTofYt_2g)
– alarm driver, RTC
– mounting MyDocs as “SDCard” [realized; NOT FIXED, but HACK EXISTS] – basic video decoding (sw) and playback, youtube (choppy)
wifi (only basic functionality: able to connect to AP. signal strength indication (RSSI) is broken. no tethering).
– basic CellMo functionality: network registration, USSD, SMS, data (GPRS/EDGE/3G), signaling. Actually, ofono/ofono-ril stack is used: all things that it able to do on the n900.
– bluetooth (scanning, can pair devices. I didn’t test deeper).
– charging (note: without any notification in UI)
– sensors: accelerometer
– audio: playback (audio routing to: loudspeaker, headset or earpiece)
– lights HAL (lcd brightness)
– root access (via adb shell; su/Superuser.apk)
a lot of minor and major bugfixes since alpha_1.

The same as http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/CyanogenMod_Wiki:General_disclaimer
1. Install dual-boot kernel as described here: http://forum.nitdroid.com/index.php?topic=90.0
2. Install sillyboot v2. Details: http://forum.nitdroid.com/index.php?topic=127.0
3. Are you ready for NIT?
a. Download tarball from here: http://downloads.nitdroid.com/e-yes/n9/nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha2.tar.bz2 , check its integrity, md5 sum for this archive is a1f1a4dfb93e3e6b03280ec0a50c7bad
Mirrors: http://depositfiles.com/files/8nxo4oj8o
b. copy the archive to your Nokia N9.
c. execute “as root” commands:

Code: [Select]
mkdir /home/nitdroid
tar xjvf /path_to_archive/nitdroid_n9_ics_alpha2.tar.bz2 -C /home/nitdroid/

4. Reboot, push “Volume Up” button when message “Press VolUp to boot alternative OS”appear. Wait for a little, pray a little…
5. Useful stuff:
get ADB from Android SDK (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)
Commands that would make your life easier:
adb connect — connect to your device. USB/ADB is broken, but ADB works well over USB networking.
adb logcat — for reading “main” log
adb logcat -b radio — for reading “radio” log
adb shell — to enter to shell
adb pull/push — allow get/put file from/to the device
adb shell rr — “restart radio” — restarts ofono and RIL
adb shell bb — show battery/charging status
6. Hot fixes:
Source Nitdroid

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