Home AGL held a contest to design UX Web-based IVI systems

AGL held a contest to design UX Web-based IVI systems

Project collaboration Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) from the Linux Foundation today announced AGL’s first User Experience Contest. All programmers, software engineers, web designers, automotive enthusiasts and anyone who likes a challenge can participate in designing in-vehicle infotainment system (IVI) for the future.
Contest design of the user experience (UX) for IVI system is sepenunya using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript.AGL provides a framework for you to be downloaded, modified and expanded in accordance with the creativity that inspires you. You can create new themes for existing applications, create a new application, or redesigning the entire framework.
All submissions received will be accepted no later than May 17, 2013 at 23:55 and expert jury will select a winner and two runners up in the category:

  • Best User Experience
  • Best Visual Appearance
  • Best New Concept / Additional feature

Each winner and runner up for each category will receive a $ 450 tablet PC. In addition, the winners of each category will receive the opportunity to collaborate with AGL and Jaguar Land Rover as a proof of concept.
For details about the contest, terms and conditions, and how to follow can visit the official website of Automotive Grade Linux here
Source TIZEN Indonesia

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