Remember the iLauncher app released by StarDesigns team? This month the app developer team has released a new launcher for Tizen Smartphones named A7 launcher. It is a custom user interface that changes the home launcher for Tizen mobiles. The app has already received 3 app updates in a relatively short times and is now version 1.2.0. Let’s describe the features:
A7 launcher features
- Three different icon packs for A7 home screen
- 9 different wallpapers
- Show your all installed apps
- Search bar available for find apps quickly
- Show your all installed apps
- Animated sliding settings menu (tap options button for view it)
- Recent apps list (tap options button for view it)
- Request app feature or send your suggestion about this app
The app developers also made a theme named A7 Theme by using this A7 Launcher’s wallpapers and icons. The theme is available in Samsung Z2 & Samsung z4 Theme Store now with a size of about 6 MB.
So, enjoy this good launcher app and Theme on your Tizen smartphone and share your feedback and ideas with the developers and also in the comments section below. Setting the app as a home screen is not possible in Tizen 2.4, but according to the developer team, it should be possible in the next version of the OS. The app is FREE at the moment, so get downloading it now. Launcher is available now for all Tizen Smartphones and app size is less than 3MB.