Home 5 Methods You May Not Have Tried to Curb Anxiety

5 Methods You May Not Have Tried to Curb Anxiety

More Americans suffer from anxiety today than ever, and it’s not always clear how that trend can be reversed. While medical advice should always be sought first and foremost from professionals, there are plenty of small-scale treatments for anxiety you can manage yourself.

Your refrigerator, cabinet, and local grocery stores probably all contain plenty of potential anxiety remedies — you’re just not aware of them. If you want to take advantage of the resources around you to give your mental health a boost, consider trying: 

1. CBD

Sure, CBD sales might be growing at a surprising rate, but that doesn’t mean everyone has gotten on board. For many, CBD is a big question mark — what does it do? How do you take it? Is it safe? 

Studies have proven CBD can reduce anxiety, and it’s been ruled safe for consumption by the FDA. When it comes to taking it, there are several different options. One of the most accessible ways to get your dosage is through CBD gummies. Gummies are a great, unobtrusive way to reduce anxiety during the day, and companies like NatureBox use only natural ingredients to ensure their gummies are healthy as well as effective. 

2. Lavender

There are many scents that can prove relaxing for humans, and lavender is one of the most effective. Studies have shown that smelling lavender reduces anxiety, and lavender oil’s high concentration of lavender extract makes it just as effective as the real thing.

Lavender can also produce powerful effects when consumed orally. Some of the compounds that naturally appear in lavender have mind-easing properties, whether consumed via oil or supplements. If you’re looking to slash your anxiety, lavender in any form is a valuable option. 

3. Exercise 

Sweating, panting, and pushing up your heart rate — exercise might not initially seem to be the best solution for anxiety reduction. Maintaining physical fitness, however, is one of the surest ways to boost your mental health. 

Exercise releases endorphins in the brain that naturally improve your overall mood. If you’re concerned about how you’ll fit exercise into your busy schedule, research has shown that a 10-minute walk might be just as powerful in diminishing anxiety as a full-fledged workout. Any exercise you can fit in is bound to help reduce your negative feelings.

4. Chamomile Tea

Tea has long been a favorite method of reducing anxiety, but not all varieties are created equal. Chamomile tea has been shown to have potentially significant anxiety-reducing properties — just choosing the right variety of tea can make a big dent in your anxiety.

Even the act of making tea itself can prove beneficial. Forcing yourself to slow down, boil water, and then steep the tea is a great way to take a break and reflect. Using that little break not only to take a deep breath, but also to make a drink that improves your mood, is a great way to make lowering your anxiety a part of your daily schedule. 

5. Orange

Orange — the fruit, color, or juice? Well, as it turns out, all three can help improve your anxiety situation. The scent of oranges has been shown to reduce anxiety in controlled trials, and the high quantities of vitamin C found in orange juice have been shown to reduce stress across the board. Even surrounding yourself with the color can have a positive effect on your psyche. 

Always seek advice from a medical professional when trying to improve your mental health, but remember that there are some all-natural steps you can take yourself. Whether it’s incorporating some new scents or adding physical activity, a little bit can go a long way in curbing your anxiety.

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Brad Anderson

Brad is the former editor who oversaw contributed content at ReadWrite.com. He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase.

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