Home AI Can Impact Mobile App Development and User Experience

AI Can Impact Mobile App Development and User Experience

Artificial intelligence, as a new technology field has already gained tremendous momentum and popularity across all the digital niches. From the conversational chatbots to data analytics to the user experience design, AI is now being used for an array of niche purposes. How can AI impact mobile app development and user experience?

AI is all about mimicking human intelligence to serve practical business purposes. The digital assistants like Apple’s Siri and Amazon Alexa are great examples of how AI can make digital interactions intelligent and user-centric. Before we go on explaining the role of AI for mobile app development and user experience design, we need to start with the basic definition of AI-first.

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

AI is a computer science technology to make machines capable of acting and responding in a much more humanely manner. AI is capable of performing tasks like human beings as it can adopt human reasoning and learn from the previous experience and interactions.

Thanks to AI, a mobile app or a machine interface can reason in a much more humanely fashion and apply the experience-driven knowledge and analysis for practical purposes.

Let us now see the multitude of ways AI can improve the mobile app development and user experience.

  • Improving the App UX

AI is widely relied upon by the developers and UX experts to enhance audience engagement. AI helps improving user engagement by analyzing user behavior and the patterns of user behavior. A variety of user input data along with user behavior patterns, are analyzed to draw relevant insights by the designers and developers that can be utilized for delivering highly user-centric experience.

AI can also be utilized in the relevant contexts by the Chatbots to address and solve specific user problems. The Chatbots often do this customer service better than so-called customer services. It is already predicted that by 2025, a vast majority of customer interactions will be handled by intelligent bots.

A vast majority of mobile apps fail not because of their shortcomings in terms of ideas and conceptions. They mostly fail because of the lack of user engagement. An AI-driven app in this respect offers sturdy help to the users by continuously analyzing the user preferences and behavioral patterns. According to such analysis, users are communicated with timely and relevant messages and thus help to keep users engaged and tuned to the app.

  • Boost Automation While Keeping Human Inputs

There is no basis of the thinking that AI ultimately minimizes the role of human design and human inputs in the analysis. The reality is quite contrary to this. AI helps human beings make better and more well-informed decisions.

The AI-powered design and development tools only replace those tasks that can be automated and carried out without needing any human inputs. For instance, in the case of ridesharing apps, automated reasoning can be used to determine the best routes for cab drivers to save fuel and minimize the driving time.

  • Boost Personalized User Experience

Every digital app and interface now heavily rely on personalization to keep users engaged and interested. Users also now expect the applications to deliver unique experience whether through the user interface, content, ease of use, accessibility, or useful features. Thanks to AI, this personalization of user experience now looks possible more than ever before.

Let us have a quick look at some of the ways app user experience can be personalized by utilizing the potential of AI. Personalized product and content recommendations by AI-powered algorithm based on the user behavior, user interactions, and user preferences.

Personalized user notifications and other user interactions based on user preferences and user contexts can be added with AI. Allowing users to priorities app features based on the frequency of use and accessibility. User-centric personalization of the design based on user preferences and background.

  • Drive Localization and Contextualization

Last but not the least of all advantages of AI for mobile apps is the localized and more context-driven user experience.

AI-based algorithms by sensing the user location along with several vital aspects, can understand the individual user contexts better and accordingly can come with user-centric messages and recommendations.

AI coupled up with the location sensors, thus helps the mobile apps to deliver more context-aware and localized user experience.

How Can the Mobile App Developers Integrate AI to Build Better Apps?

There is the unlimited and inexhaustible impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning on app users and businesses. But for the developers, these technologies come with an altogether different range of impacts.

When an app needs to cater to the needs of a target audience with a valuable solution, AI can be utilized by keeping a precise picture of future outcomes in mind.

Let us have a look at the three principal ways AI can impact mobile app development.

  • Learning

Learning through making efforts and correcting the errors is how the AI-powered tools for app development work in the first place.

When a tool uses various methods for solving a single problem, the most satisfactory result and corresponding method are grabbed as the reference by the software for future usage. Thus through continuous trial and error, an AI-powered solution learns and perfects itself over time.

  • Reasoning

An AI-powered tool learns from the human logic of the users about using a mobile app or abstaining from it. By analyzing the various interactions and the rationales behind them, the AI tool can understand distinct impetus and reasons behind every user activity.

  • Solving Problems

Finally, based on the learning of the machines and the software applications and by analyzing human reasons behind interactions, an AI-powered tool comes with appropriate solutions to the problems of the users. Every app concept comes basically as a solution to one or several customer problems. AI comes as the most competent technology to deliver responsive and proactive solutions to these problems.


The impact of AI is all set to grow across all digital niches and mobile apps are likely to be the biggest recipients of these advantages. How innovatively you can integrate AI with the mobile apps to deliver a rewarding and user-focused experience, does matter most.

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Chetan Sheladiya has worked on as many as 500 unique and interesting IT projects over the course of more than a decade. Running a giant of a React Native Mobile App Development company, that specializes in web development, mobile app development, and online business marketing among others things, Chetan has gained immense experience and a wealth of knowledge in the field of technology.

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