Home Obsidian’s new RPG Avowed will be similar to The Outer Worlds ‘in structure and length’

Obsidian’s new RPG Avowed will be similar to The Outer Worlds ‘in structure and length’


  • Avowed will have a shorter length similar to The Outer Worlds, around 20 hours of gameplay.
  • The game features multiple open zones with distinct characters and aesthetics, unlike a single open world.
  • Avowed includes six character attributes and four skill trees, enhancing RPG elements and customization.

There have been a number of promising updates from Obsidian Entertainment’s upcoming role-playing game Avowed in recent days. It seems that the RPG will follow in the footsteps of the studio’s previous game The Outer Worlds, sticking to a shorter length.

Game director Carrie Patel told TechRadar: “So in terms of both the scope and the structure of the game, I’d look to The Outer Worlds for a pretty good point of comparison.

“It’s going to be broadly similar in terms of the length and breadth of the experience, and it’s also similar in terms of the structure,” she said. Unlike some games, especially the role-playing games which Obsidian is known for, which can go on for as long as 100 hours, The Outer Worlds broke the mold at 20 hours.

Polygon’s Cass Marshall stated that the game “was so deeply satisfying” as it stayed in its 20-hour lane, adding that they wished more developers would follow suit.

What is the game’s structure?

Patel then goes on to explain that the structure of the world is divided into multiple open zones, similar to that of The Outer Worlds. “Rather than a pure open world where you have one enormous, continuous map, what you have is a series of open zones that unlock as you move through the story, and what that really allows us to do is give each one a distinct character — a really different aesthetic,” she explained.

“At this point, you’ve seen Shatterscarp which is a desert with these rocky highlands, and now we’ve also seen Emerald Stair which is almost the polar opposite; this very boggy, gloomy, lush, green forested area.

“So by having these open zones, it allows us to give each environment a really distinct sense of character, and it also allows us to create this sense of spread and distance between them as you’re moving from one part of the Living Lands to another.”

What other features will we see in Avowed?

During the preview, which took place after the Xbox Games Showcase earlier this month, Patel also walked through a couple of quests in the Emerald Stair. This is the home of a group of Animancers researching the local Dreamscourge phenomenon. Patel revealed that the game will have a third-person mode.

Avowed will also have six main features that are fundamental to each character. Might intensifies your damage output and carrying capacity. Constitution bolsters your health along with resistance to poison and bleeding. Dexterity improves your attack speed and agility. Perception increases your critical hit chance and maximum attack range. Intellect boosts your essence and defenses against elemental damage. Resolve improves your stamina and the recovery rate of your Second Wind, which provides a health boost when you’re at risk of fatal damage.

There are also four skill trees available: Fighter, Ranger, Wizard, Godlike, and a tree dedicated to your companion’s abilities.

Avowed is set to release on current-generation Xbox consoles, PC, and on the same day on Xbox Game Pass towards the end of 2024.

Featured image: Obsidian Entertainment

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Suswati Basu
Tech journalist

Suswati Basu is a multilingual, award-winning editor and the founder of the intersectional literature channel, How To Be Books. She was shortlisted for the Guardian Mary Stott Prize and longlisted for the Guardian International Development Journalism Award. With 18 years of experience in the media industry, Suswati has held significant roles such as head of audience and deputy editor for NationalWorld news, digital editor for Channel 4 News and ITV News. She has also contributed to the Guardian and received training at the BBC As an audience, trends, and SEO specialist, she has participated in panel events alongside Google. Her…

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