Home Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Beta: How to access, potential start date, platforms, and more

Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Beta: How to access, potential start date, platforms, and more

With the reveal of Black Ops 6 finally out in the wild, fans are getting hyped for the game that Treyarch and Raven Software are cooking up.

Naturally, everyone wants to get their hands on the game as early as possible and you can get a taste by playing the Black Ops 6 Beta before the official release.

But how do you gain access? When does it start? We answer all of the burning questions on the Black Ops 6 Beta below.

How to get the Black Ops 6 Beta

To get your hands on the Black Ops 6 Beta, you will have to either pre-order the game or have an active Game Pass subscription before the Beta begins.

Your pre-order can be for any edition of the game, whether that is the base version or the Vault Edition. This is great for those who want to experience the tweaks that have been made to the CoD formula without having to drop the big bucks on a more comprehensive package.

If you are pre-ordering a physical edition of Black Ops 6, you’ll be provided with a code you’ll need to redeem, unlocking access to the Beta, but if you’re opting for a digital version, you’ll just have instant access instead, no code required.

For those of you who are on Xbox and are wanting to play via a Game Pass sub, again, you have different options – Game Pass Console, Game Pass Ultimate, or Game Pass PC, meaning you’re not tied down to a more expensive service.

Similar to the digital editions, you will not need a code here either and will just be able to get going once the Beta launches.

When does the Black Ops 6 Beta start?

black ops 6 main character

Unfortunately, at this current time, there has been no official word from Activision or the devs for when the Beta will begin.

However, there is a multiplayer reveal happening on August 28, announced at the Black Ops 6 Direct portion of the Xbox Games Showcase, where it’s likely we will get concrete information on the dates.

If we were to guess as to when the Beta will launch, 2023’s Modern Warfare 3 Beta released around a month before the full title so it is safe to assume that it will be a similar story this time too.

This would make it approximately September 25 when you can get stuck into some Treyarch Call of Duty goodness, taking advantage of that all-new Omnimovement system.

What platforms can you play the Black Ops 6 Beta on?

Since Activision is Microsoft-owned at this point, there has been a worry from those on the Sony side of the console wars that gaining access to games like Call of Duty will be a little tricky.

However, with Phil Spencer reiterating that he wants games to be available on every platform, this is the case with CoD also.

So, the Black Ops 6 Beta will in fact be available on your platform of choosing – Xbox, PlayStation, or PC. This means PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S owners can enjoy the preview all at the same time, somewhat of a rarity this day in age.

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Jacob Woodward
Gaming Journalist

Jacob has been a life-long gamer and tech enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hands at an early age. Due to his passion for the field, writing talent, and a keen eye for SEO, he transitioned from digital marketing into games journalism in 2019. Starting initially as a writer, he rose quickly, becoming not only an Editor but also Interim Managing Editor within the space of 2 years. He has worked with gaming media publications such as GGRecon, The Loadout, Retro Dodo, Insider Gaming, Gfinity, Stealth Optional, Retro Recall, and many more, making him an…

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