Home Zoho’s ManageEngine Adds New VMware Monitoring

Zoho’s ManageEngine Adds New VMware Monitoring

Today, Zoho’s ManageEngine subsidiary announced the availability of v10 of its Applications Manager, an availability and performance monitoring software. They have added the ability to monitor vCenter and vFabrick to its list of dozens of application servers, spanning both physical and virtual infrastructures. The product will be demonstrated next week at VMworld in Vegas.

Applications Manager provides IT teams the ability to discover the entire organization’s virtual infrastructure through the vCenter server and provide dependency mapping of its components. This helps track the health status of virtual resources and model them the same way they are configured in the vCenter server. You can see a sample screen capture below.

The vCenter monitoring will include the ability to track VM movements and cluster configurations in a more graphical manner than previously, as well as do a better job of discovering VMs. VMware vFabric tcServer isn’t even out yet, but when it does become available, App Manager will include tracking its health and the health of the Spring apps that are deployed on these servers. Finally, ManageEngine has added support for monitoring LDAP, DNS, Ping, Mail Server RTT and Amazon S3 to this version. They are also working on supporting Citrix Xen hypervisors in an upcoming release.

They have a complex but transparent page listing various pricing tiers, starting at $795 annual license for up to 25 monitors for a single user. There are numerous additional charges for specific server monitors, such as SAP, SharePoint and Hyper-V. The new VMware monitors will also carry additional charges that haven’t been set yet.

All of the monitoring is agentless, with the exception of the Java transaction monitors.

ManageEngine sells more than 30 different tools and offers many free ones for monitoring Hyper-V performance or VM configuration, among other tasks. Also announced this week are enhancements to ServiceDesk Plus with Active Directory integration and OpManager v9.0 to have runbook automation for physical, virtual, and cloud platforms and Hyper-V support.

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