Xbox’s Free Play Days are back this weekend and there is enough free gaming here to keep you out of trouble until it’s time to go back to work or school again.
Running from now until midnight on October 15th there are four big games that are free to any Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, Standard, or Core subscriber so let’s have a look at what is on offer for this weekend’s entertainment.
Free Xbox games this weekend
Sometimes the games that are on Free Play don’t have much to get your teeth into, but this is going to be a tough weekend as you could easily play at least three of them for all the days and not be done with them.
Let’s deal with Destiny 2 first – okay so it’s free to play anyway but the excellent Witch Queen and Lightfall expansions, which are normally paid for extra content, are both free until the 15th, so if you are a lapsed Destiny 2 player, this is a great time to come back to the game.
We do go on at Readwrite Gaming about what a great experience Conan Exiles is – it keeps getting great new content, years after its release and it is one of the best examples of a fleshed-out survival experience you can get. Loads of fun whether you play alone or with friends. Conan Exiles is definitely worth a look if you haven’t dipped your toe in so far.
If you still need more then Mafia III: Definitive Edition brings the open-word gangster ‘em-up and its three expansion DLCs for free this weekend, so if you fancy having the Godfather around, look no further.
Finally Moving Out 2 is definitely the lightest offering here and Team 17’s removal puzzle/party game is a lot of fun if you manage to fit in time to play it between all the others.