Home Will Tizen become the found link between people, machines and environment?

Will Tizen become the found link between people, machines and environment?

Will Tizen become the found link between people, machines and environment
“Mobile connecting” can be seen as the paradigm shift of the first 10 years of this century. I had one of the first 10.000 “portable” cell phones in the Netherlands (felt like at least 5 kilo’s on a shoulder strap). I even had a small printer to print “on the go”.  Back then I’d never would I have dreamed it would end up like the smart phone and tablet. Development has been tremendous, fast and furious but now it appears we are reaching the need for another round of innovation. Maybe the next paradigm shift?
Both hardware and software markets appear to lose innovative growth. Sure, games get even better graphics, good stories and most likely on-line competitors. But we’ve been around those basics for a long time now. It’s improvement, not innovation. As iOS 4 to 7 or Android to Kitten isn’t about innovation but about improving an existing idea. People will hesitate to buy new gadgets as “they do what the old one does, it’s smaller so battery life will be lousier”. The western world will lose it’s gadget buying habit by 2015. Unless there is a serious change or a broke device to replace.
Innovations mostly came and still come from relatively small, lean and mean companies. Like Palm for the first real comfortably hand held computers or PDA’s. Like Hauspie in Flanders that developed voice computing. Or two visionaries, Steve & Steve that developed a personal computing thingy. Later on it became an Apple computer and many of us now have some of their visions in their hand. I guess Apple’s newton the mother of all smartphones.
That was around 1988. It has improved tremendously but the newton OS concept included things like switching on lights, operate a TV and many things more. Nothing really special today  is it?
So, in the time my eldest daughter grew into becoming a power woman, computing changed. “A person using a computer not connected to a server (PC)”  changed into a “servers connecting personalities”.

Whats next?

In 1988 I “met” the first Apple and in 1991, around X-mas, I was the proud owner of a Mac SE, with a whopping 2Mb RAM en 30Mb RAM. That’s just 23 years ago!  Complete with pagemaker, MS Office and a laser printer as well as 2Mb internal and 30 in stead of 20Mb it was well over 25.000 guilders. These days I earned about 2.500 guilders net as ‘CEO’ of a three staffed company! My very small company was a front runner on using DTP for business, and it worked!
Fast forward to early 2014 and we see a massive decline in sales of desktop computers and lap tops against a tremendous growth of mobile devices. I’m old fashioned and thick fingered so I prefer beating up a keyboard, trying to ram the keys through the housing when I get angry or excited.
Most operating systems for desktop PC’s are integrating their platform into the mobile world. We store our documents in the cloud, plug our cell phone into a dock with a large monitor, keyboard and perhaps a mouse or a touch screen, and start working. That’s fine if you are independent, a student or a retiree, but when you have to work with a computer 8 hours a day in combination with others a “solid” network, wired, is still important.
So we might assume that in the next 3-6 years we will more or less become our device. An high powered (bi-octo core) wristwatch that will interact with your phone: Either the mobile you’re carrying or an in-house wireless PABX system. That system will allocate your monitor and desk, plan meeting rooms according to the participants schedules (and manual overrides!) which will lead to smaller offices in more locations. Reducing costs further will be the video conferencing with screen sharing and 3D-printer sharing. The walls will be managed bij mood lighting to create a higher productivity as a result of a body-based sensor system in the same watch. It will monitor your temperature and heart beat and, if necessary, will call 112 or 911 when you have a heart attack or a nervous break down.
The watch will also interact with your car, setting preferences like chair and mirror settings. The navigation will be activated by your diary and contact book and, once you’re on the highway  you will “locked on”to the lights and the brake lights of the car in front of you. Gives you time to use vovC (video over vehicle communication), read some documents on the windscreen (Samsung already has the technology for that) or call your wife to tell her you’ll be late. Oops.. Skip that! Your car will inform the fridge, the oven and the family about your whereabouts so they can integrate these updates in their own schedules. Or you’ll get a message: Pick up the order from the take away.
No, it’s not that far fetched at all. Jaguar | Landrover are working with Intel on all kind of on board systems. Tizen will be an important component. Samsung will introduce a Tizen smartphone, Tizen fridge and probably an oven and climate managing system that will pre heat your house, oven and probably your bath as well.
In the 70’s the servers were the computers: in the 90’s the network was the computer and in the twentyten’s it’ll be the Tizen smartphone that rules tall computers great and small.

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