Home Wherever you are or whatever you do, Samsung Knox has got you protected

Wherever you are or whatever you do, Samsung Knox has got you protected

Mobile devices have become a vital part of our lives which keep us connected to the things we value most – family, friends, businesses and others. As a result of this, a lot of data is generated on our devices and due to the fact that the mobile devices give us access to multiple networks, services and other devices, it is just as important that we keep our data safe from being stolen. Samsung Knox is one security solution that suits this purpose, ensuring that all aspects of our mobile experience remain secure. This is important for businesses and for individual mobile users.
Samsung Knox is integrated at multiple levels on all Samsung devices including the Tizen-based Z1, Z2, Z3 and Z4 mobiles. The security platform is integrated right from the hardware level to the software, to applications in order to ensure our mobile lives are protected from threats. Knox kicks in right from when the mobile device is turned on, continually protecting its integrity including the personal and professional data stored in it day and night.
Samsung Knox built-in security is two-fold, commencing in the processor and then extending to every layer of the Samsung device. The layers include the operating system and application layers, ensuring the Samsung gadgets have a defense and security system that overlaps without any gap which could give access to malware, viruses and any type of malicious threats.
Complete Protection in any Environment
In today’s society, there is a rich blend of professional and personal lifestyles as the distinction between both are constantly disappearing. Customers now prefer a device that can cater for their professional needs and also take care of their personal preferences when needed. In such situations, there is a steady romance between important apps, information and messages meant for business and for personal purposes, all in one phone. There is no doubt that this increases the risk of malicious intruders gaining access to sensitive data such as email, contacts, photos, account information and more.
But Samsung Knox makes this interaction seamlessly possible by allowing users to separate professional information from personal data on the same device using what is called Secure Folder. Secure Folder utilizes Knox container technology in order to provide a secure space separate from other apps, messages and information, thus creating an additional layer of security.
Potential Mobile Threats are Constantly Looming
Potential threats abound all over the environment and without the awareness,  many mobile users don’t have mobile security on top of their mind, leaving data and personal information open to threats. The use of public Wi-Fi which is now part of culture, further heightening the risk level. A 2016 study conducted by Pew Research Center found that 54 percent of American internet users access their personal accounts through public Wi-Fi networks, mostly to use email and social media. Most erroneously think public Wi-Fi is safe, especially at trusted establishments like popular coffee shops, hotels and airports. No argument about the convenience it offers, but connecting to public portals can make mobile devices susceptible to security breaches, and also expose personal and business information to risk.
With Samsung Knox security platform you get a digital fortress around your mobile device, shielding sensitive information from unwanted visitors and malware attacks so that you can get your much-needed coffee and headlines uninterrupted.
Samsung Knox Protects Your Personal Digital Payments
Mobile payment services have been on the increase lately and seem to have become standard in today’s mobile world. Where the right security is lacking, your financial information like credit card details, account details are placed at risk. When using payment services Iike Samsung Pay Knox deploys additional defenses against would be attackers directly to your phone. The security system also constantly monitor the device to ensure that the card information inputted by users is encrypted in a separate and secure data vault at all times. 
Also your passwords are kept secure with the introduction of services like Samsung PASS which provides alternative authorization means through biometric authentication. The removes the risk of using simple passwords that are easy to remember but also easy to hack.
Samsung Knox at Work
Samsung Knox is a veritable tool for businesses just as it is for personal use. Different business concerns ranging from banking, sales, education and healthcare, to taxi services, advanced computing, airline and automotive industries – all types of businesses are taking advantage of Samsung Knox to deliver better solutions and customer service while keeping the integrity of their corporate and customers’ data intact.
The continuous adoption of mobile technology to simplify operations and increase efficiency makes security more important now than ever. The Samsung Knox platform provides multi-layered protection that isolates and encrypts corporate data through on-device encryption, and thus constantly monitors device integrity.
Samsung Knox functions in this regard goes beyond protecting critical corporate information. With Knox Configure, organizations can completely customize and tailor a mobile experience that suits the environment for which devices are destined. It provides IT managers with configuration, application deployment and UI/UX customization capabilities as well as remote bulk device enrollment and provisioning services, putting them in complete control of their mobile solution from start to finish.
Samsung Knox was Designed for Life
There are chances that we’ll let out guards down when we get caught up in the attractions that abound all over the  world today such that we may have acted before thinking of the security implications. For those short bust of unavoidable moments when we let our guard down, Samsung Knox is working to keep you protected.



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