This short film created by Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the HITRECORD Community, was shot entirely in 4K Ultra HD (UHD) on the Tizen based Samsung NX1.
“In a City” takes an intimate look at the cities we live in by the simple and solitary act of walking through them. It tells the story of our jagged days and nights as we wander about the urban spaces that we dwell in but do not come from. Shot entirely on the NX1 in 4K/UHD by Joseph Gordon-Levitt along with members of the HITRECORD community from all over the world, the film spans the globe from Los Angeles to Cairo, Tokyo to Rio De Janeiro, and from Prague to London and Sheffield, UK.
Director Joseph Gordon-Levitt believes the NX1 is an awesome camera that allowed him to “capture the unique texture and energy of each city”.