Home Video: Samsung strengthens its foray into auto industry with SEAT and SAP

Video: Samsung strengthens its foray into auto industry with SEAT and SAP

Cars are taking a turn from mainstream auto expos into some of the popular tech expos in the world. The Mobile World Congress is no exception to this list as in the recent years, a number of Car Manufacturers are taking limelight at the event with mobile and tech partners in general to provide a smarter Auto experience through computers, phones, wearables,etc.
Volkswagen’s subsidiary brand SEAT, who are a popular Automobile company in Spain are making a return to MWC 2016, Barcelona after showcasing a few connectivity solutions for their Cars in partnership with Samsung Electronics last year at the same event. This year around, SEAT have also partnered with Global leaders in enterprise applications, IoT and business networks, SAP to further strengthen SEAT and Samsung’s vision of providing a seamless Car experience through technology of the future.
SEAT, along with Samsung, SAP and other partners will be showcasing a few concept demos at MWC this year, which the firm aims to integrate into its future cars. One of the key concepts that SEAT are looking to achieve is to make reserving parking spaces and pay for the same via fingerprint recognition possible by Samsung Pay.
Last year, SEAT and Samsung demoed a Digital Key service that allowed the owner of the car to control a few options from his/her phone or wearable device like the Samsung Galaxy Gear, Gear 2,etc like unlocking and locking the Car, AC and Windows control. This year, SEAT will be displaying an improved version of the Digital Key which it claims to provide remote authorization of a user’s car to someone else just by sharing a copy of the Digital key to the Person’s smartphone or Wearable device.
SEAT will also be showcasing a few advanced concepts based on this Digital Key service like providing the owner of the car the complete power of limiting the maximum speed, drive mode and fuel efficiency.
In addition to this, SEAT will also bet showcasing a proof concept of a MY SEAT app that can have functionalities to work as a remote control for connected home appliances, display alerts and warnings, monitor driver behavior and even improve performance or fuel efficiency of the Car. After just announcing the Connect Auto device a day earlier, SEAT’s new announcement in partnership with Samsung further makes it clear that Samsung will targeting the Automobile industry and probably showcase more services based on Tizen.


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