Home Tizen Summit 2011 – Beijing, China

Tizen Summit 2011 – Beijing, China

Since the Tizen Announcement there has been little (no) further news to how this is all going to fit together. Hopefully within the next 6 short weeks that will all change with the First Ever Tizen Summit being held in Beijing, China on the 8th – 9th December.
The conference will be hosted at the Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall and promsies to gather together Open Source Vendors, OEMs, operators and other Tizen project contributors, together with local Open Source contributors in China.
This Summit is Open to all Visitors, Exhibitors and General Community and is an Opportunity to meet the top players in the industry and the Global network. Summit offers keynote sessions, panel discussions and a technical exhibition. If you have involvement in Tizen then this is definitely the place to promote your company.
The general overview for the Summit will be:

Thursday Focus on Tizen basics, business cases and apps
Friday Focus on community and device creation (IVI, smart phones, embedded)
Saturday (optional) Get together community day at the Great Leap Brewery

Further information can be found on the Tizen Summit Asia 2011 Website and registration is here. There will be more News coming about this event in the coming weeks as it unfolds.

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