On February 26, yesterday on the sidelines of the organization of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2013, 2.0 Tizen Tizen Association launched simultaneously gathering at the restaurant Montjuic in Barcelona, Spain. In addition to promoting the use of open source operating system Tizen to visitors in attendance, as well as store demo applications and applications running on the smartphone Tizen reference 2.0.
At the event, Samsung Electronics showcased a smartphone reference Tizen for developers through the model RD-PQ-based Exynos 4412 SoC developed by Samsung in conjunction with the Galaxy SIII. The device exhibited a prototype based on the Tizen 2.0 Magnolia, where the Software Development Kit (SDK) and its source code has been available since February 18 the lau. Application software for Tizen previously only based on the programming language Web/HTML5, through Tizen 2.0 is able to run applications using native C + + code.
In the demonstration, some Web applications and native joined as shown Cut the Rope, ZeptoLab made puzzle game based on HTML5, Vimeo and Mr. Radio is also based HTML5 and native apps Asphalt 7, the latest racing game from Gameloft. Asphalt 7 looks to run without lag in the smartphone reference Tizen and Hankil Yoon of Samsung ensures all applications both Web-based and native will also be running smoothly on a smartphone Tizen “real.”
All applications and games can be downloaded from the “STORE Tizen,” a store application that combines web and native apps where developers can publish or sell their applications. It is also possible to store other applications to run on Tizen devices.
Meanwhile Kiyohito Nagata of NTT DoCoMo who is chairman of Tizen Association, said that the biggest achievement brought by Tizen is openness brought by HTML5, including in-store applications. In addition, the openness Tizen also allow everyone to freely develop products that meet the needs of its users.
Although Android is also an open source operating system, but there are many parts according to Nagata developed behind closed doors by Google such as Android Market app store under the watchful eye of Google. For example, it is not possible to develop products that use only some parts of Google Play.
This article is from Tizen Indonesia