Tizen IVI “3.0 M2 Sep” milestone build has been published a few days ago at http://download.tizen.org/
Release notes are expected shortly. This milestone has a ICO HMI new sample UI which could cause confusion from the previous Weston Desktop Shell.
Our next feature freeze date is Nov 22, with a target release of Dec 20. This will give us an extended period to stabilize new features and the overall release for an End of Year Milestone 2 (M2) 3.0 Tizen IVI release. There are many features in the queue, no doubt too many to complete them all by Nov 22. You can see what is in discussion, planning and development by searching in bugs.tizen.org for the “Tizen IVI” Project, Type: Feature, and “3.0 M2 EOY” as the “affects version”. Here is a filter for those features: M2 EOY Features