Home TikTok tests extended video lengths to rival YouTube

TikTok tests extended video lengths to rival YouTube

TikTok has confirmed that it is currently testing a new feature that allows users to upload videos up to 15 minutes in length. This is a significant increase from the current 10-minute limit, bringing the platform closer in competition with YouTube. The extended video duration aims to give content creators a larger canvas to showcase their creativity and reach a wider audience. As TikTok continues to challenge YouTube’s dominance, it is also exploring various features to provide a more diverse and engaging user experience.

The progressive shift towards longer content

Originally known for its short, snappy video clips, TikTok has been gradually moving towards incorporating longer videos into its platform. In February 2022, the company expanded its maximum video duration from three minutes, having already increased the limit from 15 to 60 seconds prior. This shift allows creators to share more detailed and engaging content with their audience, thereby increasing the range and variety of content available on the app. Consequently, TikTok’s user base is expected to grow as it attracts individuals interested in longer-form videos and new content genres.

Blurring the lines between TikTok and YouTube

With the longer time allowance, creators may no longer need to develop an entire series of videos to share their work. This change, combined with YouTube’s introduction of shorter videos through its Shorts feature, makes the distinction between the two platforms less apparent. Now, users can access both extended videos and quick, concise content all within one platform, making YouTube more versatile and appealing to a broader audience. As a result, content creators must carefully consider which medium best showcases their work and effectively resonates with their target audience.

However, not all users may be enthusiastic about the longer video duration, as TikTok is famous for its short, captivating content. The extended format could potentially weaken the bite-sized appeal of the platform, which initially gained popularity due to its fast-paced, addictive nature. Consequently, creators and users must adapt to the change and find new ways to maintain their audience’s attention while staying true to the TikTok spirit. To mitigate these concerns, TikTok has introduced a fast-forward feature allowing users to browse videos quickly.

Featured Image Credit: Cottonbro Studio; Pexels; Thank you!

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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