Every now and then, you’re alone going through a stranger’s Flickr stream, and you see something so laughable, so obnoxious, that you feel the urge to start a new meme but can’t be troubled with the effort of registering a domain name and trying to get all your friends on board. Perhaps you’re reading a blog and feel the need to comment, but don’t want to expose your brilliance to the entire reading world. Or perhaps it’s just late and the signup process for comments is ludicrously complicated.

Zingr allows you to spread your insights – and share those links – with your Facebook fandom, all with the click of a button. It’s a Firefox add-on, and it’s magical.
Once you install Zingr, it will prompt you to sync up with your Facebook account. From that point forward, any time you click the Zingr logo to the left of the URL bar in your Firefox browser, you’ll be given a delightfully designed, Miracle Whip-themed text entry box that you can drag around the page.
Plant your Zingrs on any page you like. The notes will show up in your Facebook stream, and interested friends will click through to see your comments:

Great for sharing links and leaving your comments just for your Facebook friends to see, Zingr is a snarky new tool we think some of you might enjoy.