THE ROKU CHANNEL IS COMING TO SAMSUNG SMART TVs !!! (Little bit excited is an understatement as I’ve been hoping for this one.)
But first, what is the Roku channel?
The Roku channel is obviously a big thing but the thing that makes it so popular is the fact that you can stream hundreds of movies and some TV shows FOR FREE! Now, I think that’s a pretty good deal. It was launched late last year and is already in the top 20 channels (one of the leading ones) on the Roku platform meaning a astounding success. This platform had an initial public offering (IPO) of one hundred million dollars.
When is it coming to the TVs then?
You should expect the Roku channel by the summer of 2018. Only a few months away where you can watch all the movies or TV shows that you want. The app, like the upcoming channel, is ad-supported. You may be thinking, ‘Wouldn’t the ads get annoying?’ But, apparently, the developers provide a good general experience with the ads experience according to people who have already reviewed it.
Make sure you keep checking for it on your TV’s in the summer! If you’re a developer and you want us to review your app/ game/ watch face, feel free to contact us at [email protected]