Home The 4Moms Breeze Plus Playard Helper

The 4Moms Breeze Plus Playard Helper

The country is finally opening up from COVID so that we can head out from being cooped up in our homes. For those that will be traveling with a little one — the 4Moms Breeze Plus Playard is a fantastic place to start.

4moms Breeze Plus Portable Playard with Removable Bassinet

I was a little worried about getting this item for a gift because I thought that maybe the mom-to-be would rather pick out her own stuff. But everyone at the shower was amazed at this product.

4moms breeze plus playard
4moms Breeze Plus Playard

I haven’t seen an easier setup for a traveling baby bassinet and changer. It’s so easy to set up, the changing basket is secure and easy to use and there is plenty of room for the baby to sleep.

Straight from the website — about this item

  • One push open, one pull close
  • Easy, one-handed setup and takedown
  • Includes detachable flip changer & removable bassinet
  • All-in-one care station that grows with baby
  • 28 pounds
4moms breeze plus playard and changer
One-handed carry of the 4moms Breeze Plus Playard and Changer. Light enough grammy can carry.

I love that this is an easy-to-wipe-off little bed, it’s not too deep for bending down and putting baby to sleep. There is a great little vid on the Amazon website that shows you everything you need to know. Amazon seems to have the best prices for the 4moms Breeze Plus Portable Bassinet and Baby Changing Station.

The 4moms Breeze Plus Portable Bassinet and Baby Changing Station is small enough to throw in the trunk and keep with you. Grammy decided she needs one in her car too for quick changes in babysitting opportunities — so I’m sending for another.

What I liked

This is a really nice, well-made item. I wish I’d had one for my kids instead of hauling around the heavy equipment that was my generation’s option.

As a gift for a really special baby, I couldn’t have done better. It is impressive — and that’s what I wanted — something really usable and needed.

The 4moms Breeze Plus Portable Bassinet and Baby Changing Station is about $199 on Amazon, but I have noticed that they have sales every once in a while.

Image Credit: in the post, amazon.com

Top Image Credit: william fortunato; pexels; thank you!

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Deanna was an editor at ReadWrite until early 2024. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind, Editor in Chief for Calendar, editor at Entrepreneur media, and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.

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