Home Storm Radar app for Gear S3 provides you severe weather notifications and satellite imagery

Storm Radar app for Gear S3 provides you severe weather notifications and satellite imagery

Wearable technology is fantastic, especially tech that you can wear on your wrist and that provides you information at a quick glance. One of the things I task my smartwatch to do is tell me the weather and today there is a new weather app for the Samsung Gear S3 that promises to do things a little differently.
Storm Radar is unique weather app that lets you interact with 7 hours of high-resolution past-to-future radar and visualize weather heading your way. You can actually see a high resolution weather satellite map showing you cloud cover around you. The app lets you see the current temperature at a glance and also has important features like it being able to provide you severe weather warnings and notifications from NOAA, which can literally be a life saver depending on where in the world you live.
You also have the ability to use the Storm Radar on your Gear S3 even when you are away from your phone, provided that you have already synched any future weather updates or if you are using an 4G / LTE version of the smartwatch, but I haven’t tested this or had it confirmed from the weather channel as of yet.
The settings in the app easily let you customize distance units, map zoom level and temperature units. The app has been created by The Weather Channel development team, so we are hoping that more features are on the way as this is only version 1.0. All Weather Information is provided by the National Weather Service (NWS).
The app is downloadable directly from the Samsung Galaxy Apps Store, where you can leave feedback and you can also email them directly at [email protected]with any suggestions or questions. We’ve already asked about support for other Tizen wearables 😉

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