Home Star Wars Outlaws voice actors – where you may have heard them before

Star Wars Outlaws voice actors – where you may have heard them before

Star Wars: Outlaws is packed full of the cream of voice-acting talent, so inevitably some of these guys are going to have been in games you have played before. It gets annoying when you can’t quite place that voice, so let’s have a look at some of the people we will be joining on our adventures in a galaxy far, far away over the coming weeks.

While it was more than any Star Wars fan could have hoped for that Jabba the Hutt would get to be voiced one more time by Larry Ward, we do at least get a really good “impression” by Dee Bradley Baker, animated voiceover royalty who has been heard in tends of shows, including plenty of Star Wars animations. Most famous perhaps for appearing in over 360 episodes of American Dad as various characters, Baker here lends his tones to both Jabba and Nix.

Another character with a new vocal talent, replacing Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian from the movies is Lindsay Owen Pierre, who as well as voiceover work on games such as Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora recently, has a raft to TV shows to his name also. Again, his Lando impression is on point.

Another voice star of the recent Avatar game is Humberly González who takes on the role of Outlaws’ major character Kay Vess here. She also has a prior role in Far Cry 6 and has also done a lot of TV work. Young Kay’s actor meanwhile is Aaliyah Cinello who also worked on the Far Cry franchise but more recently can be found in the kid’s show ‘I Woke Up a Vampire’ and will also star in the upcoming mooted Robocop movie.

All in all, there are 27 cast members according to Ubisoft, although there are a few surprises in there such as Darth Vader, so there are bound to be some dulcet tones you think you recognize from your past gaming challenges.

All voice actors in Star Wars: Outlaws

Character Actor
Aila Bren Carolina Bartczak
Ank Julie Nathanson
Asara Fritzy-Klevans Destine
Bosnok Gregory Hlady
Bram Conrad Coates
Danka Catherine Kidd
Eleera Athena Karkanis
Gedeek Shadi Janho
Gorak Alexander Crowther
Hoss Greg Rogers
Jabba the Hutt Dee Bradley Baker
Jaylan Vrax Eric Johnson
Kay Vess Humberly González
Krisk Ashiga Jessica B Hill
Lando Calrissian Lindsay Owen Pierre
Lady Qi’ra Tamaryn Payne
ND-5 Jay Rincon
Nix Dee Bradley Baker
Queen Ashiga Warona Setshwaelo
Riko Nicola Correia-Damude
Rooster Trace Jane Luk
Selo Rovak Amanda Cordner
Sheriff Quint Angela Asher
Sliro Caolan Byrne
Temmin Wexley Sam Scherzer
Vail Mercedes Morris
Waka Wyatt Bowen
Young Kay Aaliyah Cinello

If you haven’t got access early to Star Wars Outlaws, here’s where you can check when the game comes live for you in your region.

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Paul McNally
Gaming Editor

Paul McNally has been around consoles and computers since his parents bought him a Mattel Intellivision in 1980. He has been a prominent games journalist since the 1990s, spending over a decade as editor of popular print-based video games and computer magazines, including a market-leading PlayStation title published by IDG Media. Having spent time as Head of Communications at a professional sports club and working for high-profile charities such as the National Literacy Trust, he returned as Managing Editor in charge of large US-based technology websites in 2020. Paul has written high-end gaming content for GamePro, Official Australian PlayStation Magazine,…

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