Home SMIDGE Surges 200% as Pepe Unchained Sees Strong Presale Demand – Which is the Better PEPE Alternative?

SMIDGE Surges 200% as Pepe Unchained Sees Strong Presale Demand – Which is the Better PEPE Alternative?

Smidge is currently trending due to a massive surge of over 200% today, while this new crypto presale, Pepe Unchained, has already raised $1 million.

While other meme coins are struggling amidst a bearish trend, SMIDGE has shown remarkable growth today. The question now is: how high could it go?

Additionally, this new emerging crypto presale, Pepe Unchained, has now raised $1 million. Will both experience a bull run similar to PEPE in the coming weeks?

Let’s delve into the current state of SMIDGE through technical analysis, exploring its future potential, and also examine the features of Pepe Unchained that could contribute to its potential explosion in 2024.

SMIDGE price prediction

Today, we’re exploring SMIDGE, a meme coin that has surged to the top of the trending charts. Initially reported to be up 150%, its value has actually jumped by an impressive 200%. However, it has since slightly pulled back and now shows around a 135% increase. SMIDGE is currently priced at $0.00047.

This meme coin has had a volatile week, reaching number one in trends despite a nearly 50% drop over the past week. Its performance today, however, has been exceptional, driven by extremely high trading volume since its listing on CoinMarketCap.

SMIDGE Price Graph

SMIDGE is notable because it lacks the extensive history of many other coins. This hasn’t prevented it from making a significant impact. While it lacks the deep market roots of some cryptocurrencies, its rapid rise has attracted considerable attention.

Today, the overall cryptocurrency market is down 1.2%, with the Fear and Greed Index at 46%, indicating a shift towards fear. Major coins like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Coin are also down, contributing to a market downturn. Despite this, the meme coin sector is thriving, with SMIDGE leading the way.

SMIDGE has surged 135% today with a market cap of $600,000. Despite modest social media followings (under 1,000 on X and under 600 on Telegram), Crypto Club recognized SMIDGE as highly popular among coins, alongside Bitcoin and other meme coins.

Smidge is a meme coin with a cute version of the popular Pepe meme, known for its exaggerated expressions. It has gone viral on platforms like 4chan and Reddit, attracting a growing community. The project aims to establish SMIDGE as a leading player in the meme coin market.

Key features on the project’s website include locked token supply, revoked minting, and renounced contracts. SMIDGE holders can engage in project governance, voting, and earn gaming rewards. The project is designed to establish a strong presence in the meme coin market.

With the recent price surge supporting its bullish outlook, SMIDGE may experience substantial upward momentum in the coming weeks.

Another Pepe Alternative

Pepe Unchained (PEPU), currently in its presale phase, continues to attract a large influx of investors without showing signs of slowing down. The growth is fueled by a revolutionary layer-2 chain designed specifically for meme coins, sparking renewed enthusiasm within the crypto community.

For meme coin investors and traders, timely decision-making is crucial in the fast-evolving market environment. This underscores the importance of a layer-2 solution like Pepe Unchained, which enables them to capitalize on rapid price fluctuations by eliminating network congestion and high gas fees.

Pepe Unchained boasts transaction speeds one hundred times faster than Ethereum, supports instant bridging, and handles higher transaction volumes. If the platform unfolds as planned, it could become the preferred chain for the dynamic meme coin landscape.

In one week, Pepe Unchained has now raised $1 million, showing bullish investor sentiment for its meme coin and layer-2 crossover concept. Analysis indicates its price will likely rise further during the presale, currently at $0.0080964 and expected to increase in two days.

Pepe Unchained’s presale also offers staking rewards, incentivizing long-term holding to enhance network stability and security. Thirty percent of the total tokens are allocated to staking rewards, underscoring its importance in $PEPU’s development strategy.

Staking $PEPU offers an impressive 2,026% APY, which decreases as more tokens are staked; over 78 million $PEPU tokens are already staked. For updates on the presale, reward claiming, and exchange listings, follow Pepe Unchained on X and Telegram.

To take part in the $PEPU token presale, visit pepeunchained.com.


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Alvin Hemedez
Crypto Writer

Alvin Hemedez is a cryptocurrency analyst, finding a talent for the technical side of blockchain with his background and degree in Industrial Engineering. Hailing from Los Baños, Calabarzon in the Philippines, Alvin's work experience includes managing the eCommerce side of Shopee PH, Singapore and South East Asia's equivalent of Amazon with a base in the Philippines. Alvin's current news coverage on ReadWrite includes a special focus on emerging projects and new ICOs.

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