Keeping up with every tech headline is hard enough for anybody, let alone busy professionals. To help, ReadWriteBiz rounds up the week’s most important tech news and insights for small- and medium-sized businesses.

Our most-read post here on ReadWriteBiz in the past week was How to Optimize Your Brand’s Facebook Page for Search Engines. More than 70% of major brands don’t have their Facebook page optimized enough to turn up in the first 20 search results for their company’s name, according to one recent report. Fortunately, the process of making one’s page more SEO-friendly is pretty straight-forward on Facebook.
Once your page is all tricked out with SEO best practices, American Express OPEN wants to help you take your Facebook marketing efforts to the next level. They’re sponsoring a contest in which five small businesses will win $20,000, a trip to Facebook’s headquarters and $2,500 in ad credits on the social networking site.
Want to get your invoices paid faster? Research suggests, unsurprisingly, that offering clients the ability to pay invoices online will speed the payment process up. This week, Freshbooks announced an integration with PayPal Business Payments that lets clients do exactly that.
Is your company’s Website ready for a massive, unexpected surge in traffic? Many small businesses say “no.” Whether it’s from an increase in customer interest or something more nefarious, such a surge can take your Website down if you’re not prepared for it. One of the first lines of defense is your site’s DNS settings, so you’ll want to ensure you’ve got a stable, scalable provider.
Some of our sister channels here on ReadWriteWeb had a few good business resource posts worth checking out this week. Blank Label co-founder Danny Wong wrote a guest post on ReadWriteStart about hiring new team members. On ReadWriteEnterprise, we’ve got a PDF report on how to create a disaster recovery plan for your business.
Concerned about the privacy of your company’s data stored on Dropbox? Our own Klint Finley discusses how to better encrypt that data and keep it safe.