It is evident that Samsung has been having a hard time to gain back customers’ trust after the Note 7 disaster. However, not everything’s going wrong for the South Korean Electronics giant. The company’s Tizen Based Quantum DOT SUHD (2016) TV was named as the “2016 TV of the year” by some of the top IT magazines in the UK. Samsung’s Quantum DOT SUHD TVs bagged 5 out 5 points from “WHAT HI-FI” internet tech magazine which also obviously had to be the top score.
The Quantum DOT display technology based SUHD TV also held up the pole position in a total of three out of seven categories which also included a “best 47-52 inch TV” category and bagged all five points for it. The Quantum DOT SUHD TV was also chosen as the “TV of the Year” by Which, UK.
Sasmsung’s Quantum DOT SUHD TVs are capable of outputting brightness levels of upto 1000nits thanks to its HDR 1000 technology which should let you witness every single detail in the HDR content that won’t probably be view-able on any regular TV. The TV employs a simple UI which Samsung terms it as Smart HUB, where you have access to various kinds of content coming in from internet, OTT boxes, consoles, Blu Rays, etc all at one place.
Kim Moon-soo, vice president at Samsung Electronics’ video display division was quoted saying
We will continue to remain No. 1 in the global TV market share for the 11th consecutive year with the Quantum Dot TV.