Home Samsung to use Tizen to lead the Smart home market

Samsung to use Tizen to lead the Smart home market

One of the new technological frontiers for tech companies has emerged as the wearable market. Now with the introduction of the “Internet of Things” (IoT), Samsung is pushing forward on another front, the Smart home market, and their tool of choice is Tizen in order for them to become the leader in the Smart home market. This is an area that has been struggling to catch on over the last fews years. The lack of a common communication protocol and expensive devices has certainly not helped.
Hong Won-pyo, the president of Samsung Electronics’ Media Solutions Center, announced its smart home plans following the opening of the Samsung Innovation Museum.

“Samsung Electronics has pursued multiple operating systems for our mobile devices,” Hong said. “For the smart home business, our independently developed Tizen can be the basic foundation.”

Smart home integration will be integrated into existing hardware for smart home services, which is an open source platform. The platform with be compatible with both Samsung and non-Samsung Android 4.0 devices, and also Tizen smartphones that are expected to launch soon. Applications will be released for the recently released Samsung Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo Smart watches.

“Within two to three years, every home will enjoy the benefit of smart home services just like how smartphones and smart TVs are part of people’s daily lives,” he said.


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