Home Samsung release Next Generation Tizen Gear SDK to Developers

Samsung release Next Generation Tizen Gear SDK to Developers

Samsung have today released their new Tizen SDK to developers that have previously signed up for their Samsung Gear Early Access SDK. The new Tizen SDK will help developers to build “richer and differentiated apps for the next generation Gear device”. The current release is Tizen SDK 2.3.1 RC7, with downloads available for Mac OSX-64bits / Ubuntu-32bit / Ubuntu-64bits / Windows-32bits and Windows-64bits.
The wearable profile provides a complete implementation of the Web API optimized for wearable devices. It includes WebKit, a layout engine designed to enable Web browsers to render Web pages. It also provides a runtime for Web applications. The Tizen Software Development Kit (SDK) is a comprehensive set of tools for developing Web applications for Tizen. The SDK contains an install manager, IDE, tools, documents, samples, and platform images for a wearable profile.
A fairly comprehensive set of documentation is available that includes a certificate guide, gear UI design guidelines, Sample apps, Install guide and others. The documentation does confirm a rotating bezel as an option on the Next Gear devices as part of the user interface for page navigation and device control. Users will now not be required to keep repeatedly swiping on the screen to get to the pages, or tapping multiple times to adjust setting values, instead they can rotate the outer bezel until they get the desired result.
If you haven’t already signed up for early access, then head on over to the Samsung Gear SDK Early Access page.

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