Recently Samsung announced a whopping 44 new TV sets for the Indian consumers. The TVs belong to a total of three groups- The SUHD line which has the company’s flagship TVs, the Smart TV series and the budget friendly JOY BEAT series. The price of these TVs ranges between Rs 28,000 to Rs. 24 lakh. A majority of these TVs specially the SUHD 2016 lineup were showcased at CES 2016, Las Vegas which took place earlier this year in January.
Samsung’s 2016 line of TVs have a refreshed ambition of delivering content and content based services. Samsung have even ensured to provide India specific content to its consumers like cricket. The SUHD line up were the first to incorporate the new UX which is aimed at being a one stop solution for all kinds of content be it OTT, live TV, etc. The bundled remote control can control a multitude of electronic devices like set top boxes, blu ray players and even game consoles. The SUHD line of TVs has the quantum dot display panel which has greater color reproduction and contrast, these TVs also support HDR mode and have a 1000 nits of brightness. The SUHD line up’s pricing ranges between Rs 179,900 to 2,399,900.
The Smart TV series might not come with the top of the line hardware and specifications, but the Tizen OS based TVs are still smart enough to offer features like Smart Interface, Smart Content, Smart Convergence and Smart play. Pricing ranges between Rs 34,500 to Rs 703,900.
The JOY Beat series is for those without deep pockets but want a decent viewing experience from their TV. Samsung haven’t compromised on the audio department of these TVs and have opted for a combination of front firing speakers along with tweeters. Pricing of this series ranges from Rs 27,900 to Rs 69,500.
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