Home New Samsung OS for IoT debuts in April

New Samsung OS for IoT debuts in April

With Internet of Things (IoT) devices rapidly growing in popularity and use, Samsung is working on a new operating system (OS) for connected devices.

There’s no new information on the Samsung OS – the firm will announce its efforts next month at the Samsung Developer Conference (SDC) in San Francisco – but that conference provides an excellent platform for developers and creators to come together and share various ideas and projects, and bounce new application thoughts and opinions off of each other.

With this new Samsung OS system, the firm is positioning itself to be a larger player in the Internet of Things market and the ways in which various smart objects will be able to interact with each other in the future.

According to Ubergizmo, there is no news yet in regards to what Samsung will name its new OS. However, it did reveal that the system will be open source. The session agenda provides this information, “Samsung will announce our new, open source IoT real-time operating system (RTOS), which has a wide scope of features while maintaining a lightweight and efficient footprint.”


Samsung OS not alone out there

There’s been a lot of new IoT OS platform development lately. ARM recently announced its M2.COM module – made in consortium wth other firms – that will use ARM’s mbed OS. Google has been talking up the orchestration issue in an effort to promote its work with the Weave and Brillo platforms.

That’s all for now folks, as it is not likely that Samsung will be releasing any further information about this new system they are working on, with the Samsung Developer Conference happening in less than a month.

Having created a plethora of SmartThings connected devices, and even providing Artik boards to developers so they can construct smart devices; this new OS system should help boost Samsung up a few notches on the Internet of Things leader board.



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