Home Samsung launches Tizen 3.0 powered QLED Signage

Samsung launches Tizen 3.0 powered QLED Signage

South Korean manufacturing giants, Samsung, has unveiled the new models of its Tizen-powered QLED signage.  These models were released at InfoComm 2017 in Orlando and sales of these products will commence in the US soon. Samsung put in a lot of effort in the development of this product which will run on Tizen 3.0 and it made sure that it is compatible with HDR10 Plus, Knox security as well as QLED technology. These new models are a complete update of the previous models because they come with upgraded hardware chip which ensures that they have a faster loading time. The upgraded models also support HTML5 and Linux-based open-source platforms for developers.

Tizen 3.0 and apps in these models will be well protected using multi-layer security which was provided by Knox. This current design allows clients to get security APIs to build upon. In these new models, there were updates to the conventional LED signage as well as the QLED technology.

The Tizen-powered QLED signage comes with good colour accuracy and a high-resolution signage. This was influenced by the quantum dot technology which is usually used by QLED signage. QLED signage used the same quantum dot technology that powers the company’s QLED TVs and the Quantum dot material which is layered on top of LED increases colour accuracy and resolution of the signage.

Samsung had previously partnered with Amazon to stream HDR10 Plus videos. And now, the QLED signage will be offered in 55 inches and 65 inches with HDR10. In the signage business, Samsung is expected to collaborate with Harman (an auto-component firm) which it bought for $8billion. This firm has AV controller solutions that will allow collaboration in the enterprise signage market.



The Tizen OS has been limited to smartphones in time past but last year, the South Korean giants started using its Tizen operating system in outdoor signage because of its plan to extend the OS usage beyond smartphones. 

Samsung has consistently developed Tizen OS and it is expected to launch Tizen 4.0 later this year in order to cover a wide range of devices for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This expected launch was a major aspect of the Tizen Developer Conference (TDC) 2017, which was successfully held on May 17th and 18th at Hilton Union Square Hotel in San Francisco.


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