Home Samsung Introduces It’s Partner Companies to IoT Innovations from Educational Universities

Samsung Introduces It’s Partner Companies to IoT Innovations from Educational Universities

Samsung held its 8th annual Advanced IoT Technology Conference at Samsung Electronics Relationship Academy in Suwon, Gyeonggi, South Korea on the 18th of April. The conference provides a stage to showcase technological innovations by Korean Universities and Govt. funded research institutions.
The conference was held in front of an audience of over 187 members, which included 120 executives and employees from Samsung Electronics and 67 from Samsung’s partner companies and their R&D wing. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Yeungnam University, Ajou University and Chung-Ang University were among the tech institutes given the opportunity to showcase what they had been working on.


  • KAIST detailed about a low power voice recognition sensor which has the potential to filter out noise signals from the voice data making it ideal for future voice controlled IoT tech and even Smartwatches which have been notorious for coming with poor battery life.
  • Yeungnam University talked about an IoT based sensor control tech for electrical power systems like power supply units and motors. The sensor can even control transfer units and communication systems.
  • Ajou University showcased a wireless sensor network building technology. 
  • Chung-Ang University on the other hand showcased an asset management system which can analyze parameters like energy consumption of the IoT system and provide services for the management of life span of the IoT assets.

With the IoT industry breaking boundaries on an extremely rapid rate, such conferences help jumpstart technological innovations right from University level and elevate competitiveness among contenders.

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