Home Samsung Gear 360 (2017) companion app now live on the Play Store

Samsung Gear 360 (2017) companion app now live on the Play Store

Samsung recently released the companion app for the new Tizen-based Gear 360 (2017) camera on the Google Playstore. While the camera can work standalone without the need of the app for its basic functionalities, such as taking pictures and recording videos, the app brings more convenience to that process and also includes some interesting new features that weren’t available on the previous Gear 360. The app works as a remote and 360-degree viewfinder for the Gear 360 (with real time stitching) and lets users tweak the camera settings for their preference.
Apart from that, the most important feature of the app is its ability to stream live 360-degree content to multiple platforms such as Facebook, Youtube and Samsung VR. Live streaming 360-degree content used to require a lot of computing power but Samsung’s Gear 360 app makes it just a matter of few taps, provided you have a good internet connection.
The New Gear 360 which was unveiled alongside the Galaxy S8 features two 8.4 MP sensors with an f/2.2 aperture and uses fisheye lenses. The camera is capable of recording 360-degree videos at what Samsung calls as “near 4K” resolution. The camera, unlike its previous version, is compatible with a large number of smartphones and computers, which includes Windows and Mac computers, Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+, S7, S7 edge, Note5, S6 edge+, S6, S6 edge, A5 (2017) and A7 (2017). The camera also finally brings support to iPhone 7,7 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus and iPhone SE.

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