Home Samsung NX30 Tizen Camera get unveiled before CES 2014

Samsung NX30 Tizen Camera get unveiled before CES 2014

We have previously reported that the Samsung NX30, Samsung’s second camera running Tizen will be unveiled at CES 2014, but it looks like they just couldn’t wait and have revealed the Galaxy Camera 2 and the NX30 with a hands on to Engadget.
Both Cameras tout the NFC-based “Tag & Go” sharing feature that allows you can now tap your phone against other NFC enabled equipment (we are thinking phones here) and begin the Photo transfer process.
The Mirrorless NX30 has improvements to image quality over the previous NX20 model with the help of light-sensitive 20.3-megapixel sensor and a fast hybrid autofocusing system that only takes a staggering 80ms to focus on the subject. Other welcome improvements are:

  • Super AMOLED-based touchscreen with the ability to tilt
  • 3.5mm microphone input
  • Two 16-50mm lenses, which includes a quiet f2-2.8 lens and a f3.5-5.6 power zoom

At the moment there is no news on the actual launch dates of this camera and also no official confirmation that the Samsung NX30 does in fact run Tizen, but we hope confirmation is on its way, hint hint Samsung 🙂


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Aakash Singh

Aakash Singh is a marketing professional & a content marketing specialist. Having over 5 years of experience working with major organizations, he is passionate about digital marketing, blogging & SEO. Aakash lives in Delhi, India & writes about digital marketing & scaling your online presence on his blog, cupofglory.com. Connect with him on LinkedIn & Twitter.

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