Home Samsung doubles down: it will eventually enable its entire product line with the Samsung IoT Cloud platform

Samsung doubles down: it will eventually enable its entire product line with the Samsung IoT Cloud platform

Who owns the data has the best odds to write our future as far as AI is concerned, and what is poised to become the biggest data repository in all of history? IoT. That’s why Samsung has big plans on unifying all its IoT cloud services and initiatives into one catch-em-all platform, codenamed “IoT Cloud platform”. Last month we already covered the intention of the South Korean company of integrating Samsung IoT products and services as well ARTIK Cloud and the microcontrollers and boards of the ARTIK product line. What’s more, Samsung is doubling down and, quoting the words of Patrick Chomet, EVP, Product and Innovation Team of Mobile Communications Business, “We are trying to implement IoT Cloud for all of our products in the future.”
Put it another way, the IoT Cloud platform will support not only mobile devices such as smartphones and smartwatches but also refrigerators, smart TVs, smart home appliances and more!
Basically, Samsung is moving toward an IoT-powered line of products.
Given the size of Galaxy S8 manufacturer, that is definitely a leap forward for the IoT market, generally riddled with B2B solutions. But in Samsung’s grand vision for the Internet of Things, consumers are the cornerstone for mass adoption. In August Samsung announced FlexWash, its first smart washer-dryer, and production plans are in the pipeline for the coming years.
In the next two-three years,” continues Chomet, “the company would start mass production of IoT-based devices. This IoT Cloud connectivity, I would expect, would be quite happily available for the mass market devices”.
Samsung may have the critical mass of devices and appliances to make IoT something more than an Internet trend. It is clear today that the Internet of Things will play a major role in the near future – it already is a reality today, with the advent of Industry 4.0. But we also know that Artificial Intelligence will be a shaping force.
The compelling question is therefore how Samsung will integrate Bixby 2.0 and its IoT Cloud platform and product line into a coherent, common product-service.

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