Here are Qt Quick Components, best thought of a ready made building blocks to create nice (awesome) looking User Interfaces (UI) for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan.
Qt Quick has been around for a little while now, helping developers make great looking, responsive user interfaces. And it is nice to see so many applications in Ovi Store utilizing this new technology. But we want to keep taking it further and one of the ways we’re doing that is by adding ready-made UI building blocks to Qt Quick. We call these building blocks Qt Quick components!
In brief, Qt Quick components is a UI component set for Qt Quick application developers and designers. It helps to create a fresh and modern UX with added productivity. In the first phase, the Symbian and MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan platforms are covered. For more information on the history of this project so far, see the related Qt Labs postings below.
MeeGo Harmattan
Two weeks back, Qt SDK was updated with the new target for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan. Please note that the support for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan is not fully completed yet and maturation is ongoing. Qt Quick components for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan are included in the target and applications developed by using it are ready to the Ovi Store submission. It is highly recommended that applications are tested using the final target (when available) and verified on device with updated SW.
Nothing stops you to start development for Nokia N9 ( today! To get familiar with Nokia N9 UX Guidelines, visit in For more information about Qt Quick components for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, please refer to the documentation in Qt SDK. Here is a blog entry that gives an overview how you can get started:
Next Steps
It took some time to move MeeGo Harmattan components’ code back to the upstream. However, now Qt Quick components for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan is developed in the same public repository as Symbian components:
At the Qt Contributors’ Summit in June, there was a lot of discussion about experimental sets of components for desktops and a custom set of components. It was nice to notice that there is a lot of interest around Qt Quick components in the community, so stay tuned and keep contributing to the Qt projects!
As an immediate next step we wish to have a lot of new innovative Qt Quick applications using Qt Quick components in Ovi Store!
Source Qt Labs